Classic amplified bible.

A time-tested and trusted study resource, the KCM Amplified Bible, Classic Edition is a tool that lets you explore all the rich nuances and shades of meaning in the Bible text without having to learn the original Greek and Hebrew languages. Open the pages of this helpful Bible version, and you won't lose any revelation in translation.

Classic amplified bible. Things To Know About Classic amplified bible.

Hebrews 5. Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 5 For every high priest chosen from among men is appointed to act on behalf of men in things relating to God, to offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins. 2 He is able to exercise gentleness and forbearance toward the ignorant and erring, since he himself also is liable to moral weakness and physical ...Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 2 Since all this is true, we ought to pay much closer attention than ever to the truths that we have heard, lest in any way we drift past [them] and slip away. 2 For if the message given through angels [the Law spoken by them to Moses] was authentic and proved sure, and every violation and disobedience received ...5 A sower went out to sow seed; and as he sowed, some fell along the traveled path and was trodden underfoot, and the birds of the air ate it up. 6 And some [seed] fell on the rock, and as soon as it sprouted, it withered away because it had no moisture. 7 And other [seed] fell in the midst of the thorns, and the thorns grew up with it and ...The first five books of the Bible are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Collectively, they are called the Pentateuch or the Torah.

Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 45 Thus says the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held to subdue nations before him, and I will unarm and ungird the loins of kings to open doors before him, so that gates will not be shut. 2 I will go before you and level the mountains [to make the crooked places straight]; I will break ...

Hebrew/Greek. Your Content. Hebrews 9:27. Amplified Bible. 27 And just as it is appointed and destined for all men to die once and after this [comes certain] judgment, Read full chapter. Hebrews 9:27 in all English translations. Hebrews 8. Hebrews 10. 2 First of all, then, I admonish and urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be offered on behalf of all men, 2 For kings and all who are in positions of authority or high responsibility, that [outwardly] we may pass a quiet and undisturbed life [and inwardly] a peaceable one in all godliness and reverence and seriousness ...

The Amplified® Bible, Large Print is a time-tested and trusted study resource. If you want to understand key nuances and shades of meaning from the original Bible … 1 John 3. Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 3 See what [[ a]an incredible] quality of love the Father has given (shown, bestowed on) us, that we should [be permitted to] be named and called and counted the children of God! And so we are! The reason that the world does not know (recognize, acknowledge) us is that it does not know (recognize ... The KCM Amplified Bible, Classic Edition gives you powerful tools to discover what God's Word says to you. Features include: The use of a unique system of punctuation, italics, …Resources. Hebrew/Greek. Your Content. Mark 11:23. Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 23 Truly I tell you, whoever says to this mountain, Be lifted up and thrown into the sea! and does not doubt at all in his heart but believes that what he says will take place, it will be done for him. Read full chapter. Mark 11:23 in all English translations.Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 2 But I definitely made up my mind not to grieve you with another painful and distressing visit. 2 For if I cause you pain [with merited rebuke], who is there to provide me enjoyment but the [very] one whom I have grieved and made sad? 3 And I wrote the same to you so that when I came, I might not be myself ...

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3 Except the fruit from the tree which is in the middle of the garden. God has said, You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die. 4 But the serpent said to the woman, You shall not surely die, 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing the difference between ...

61 The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed and qualified me to preach the Gospel of good tidings to the meek, the poor, and afflicted; He has sent me to bind up and heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the [physical and spiritual] captives and the opening of the prison and of the eyes to those who are bound,Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 5 Come now, you rich [people], weep aloud and lament over the miseries (the woes) that are surely coming upon you. 2 Your abundant wealth has rotted and is ruined, and your [many] garments have become moth-eaten. 3 Your gold and silver are completely rusted through, and their rust will be testimony against you ...4 [There is] one body and one Spirit—just as there is also one hope [that belongs] to the calling you received—. 5 [There is] one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of [us] all, Who is above all [Sovereign over all], pervading all and [living] in [us] all. 7 Yet grace (God’s unmerited favor) was given to each of us ...Your Content. Genesis 4. Amplified Bible. Cain and Abel. 4 Now the man [ a]Adam knew Eve as his wife, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain, and she said, “I have obtained a man (baby boy, son) with the help of the Lord.” 2 And [later] she gave birth to his brother Abel. Now Abel kept the flocks [of sheep and goats], but Cain cultivated ...AMPC Audio Bible: Listen online for free or download the YouVersion Bible App and listen to audio Bibles on your phone with the #1 rated Bible App. کتێبی پیرۆز پلانەکان ڤیدیۆکان. ئەپەکە بەدەست بهێنە ... Amplified Bible, Classic Edition.Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. Psalm 91. 1 He who [ a]dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand]. 2 I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I [confidently] trust!Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 1 Paul, an apostle (special messenger) of Christ Jesus by the will of God, according to the promise of life that is in Christ Jesus, 2 To Timothy, [my] beloved child: Grace (favor and spiritual blessing), mercy, and [heart] peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord! 3 I thank God Whom I worship with a ...

Amplified Bible. Without sacrificing accuracy, the goal of the Amplified Bible is to reveal any other clarifying meanings from the original languages that may be concealed by the traditional translation method. It uses synonyms and definitions to explain and expand the meaning of words in the text. It does this by placing amplification in ...4 [There is] one body and one Spirit—just as there is also one hope [that belongs] to the calling you received—. 5 [There is] one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of [us] all, Who is above all [Sovereign over all], pervading all and [living] in [us] all. 7 Yet grace (God’s unmerited favor) was given to each of us ...2 Timothy 3. 1 BUT UNDERSTAND this, that in the last days will come (set in) perilous times of great stress and trouble [hard to deal with and hard to bear]. 2 For people will be lovers of self and [utterly] self-centered, lovers of money and aroused by an inordinate [greedy] desire for wealth, proud and arrogant and contemptuous boasters.AMPC Audio Bible: Listen online for free or download the YouVersion Bible App and listen to audio Bibles on your phone with the #1 rated Bible App. کتێبی پیرۆز ... Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. English. هەر ئێستا ئاپی کتێبی پیرۆز دابگرە ...Order the Amplified Bible, Classic Edition, a study resource that lets you explore the rich nuances and shades of meaning in the Bible text. This edition features a unique system of punctuation, italics, references and synonyms, footnotes, book introductions, concordance, glossary, maps and more.

One of the most rewarding things you can do as a parent is to teach your kids the Bible. It’s not always easy to understand for adults, so how do you help your kids comprehend it? ...Philippians 4. 1 THEREFORE, MY brethren, whom I love and yearn to see, my delight and crown (wreath of victory), thus stand firm in the Lord, my beloved. 2 I entreat and advise Euodia and I entreat and advise Syntyche to agree and to work in harmony in the Lord. 3 And I exhort you too, [my] genuine yokefellow, help these [two women to keep on ...

Testing Your Faith. 1 [a] James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve [Hebrew] tribes [scattered abroad among the Gentiles] in the dispersion: Greetings (rejoice)! 2 Consider it nothing but joy, my [b] brothers and sisters, whenever you fall into various trials. 3 Be assured that the testing of your faith [through ...Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 22 Then he showed me the river whose waters give life, sparkling like crystal, flowing out from the throne of God and of the Lamb. 2 Through the middle of the broadway of the city; also, on either side of the river was the tree of life with its twelve varieties of fruit, yielding each month its fresh crop; and ...Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 14 Do not let your hearts be troubled (distressed, agitated). You believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely on God; believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely also on Me. 2 In My Father’s house there are many dwelling places (homes). If it were not so, I would have told you; for I am going away to ...The Creation. 1 In the beginning God ( Elohim)created [by forming from nothing] the heavens and the earth. [Heb 11:3] 2 The earth was formless and void or a waste and emptiness, and darkness was upon the face of the deep [primeval ocean that covered the unformed earth]. The Spirit of God was moving (hovering, brooding) over the face of the ...Nehemiah 1. Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 1 The words or story of Nehemiah son of Hacaliah: Now in the month of Chislev in the twentieth year [of the Persian king], as I was in the castle of Shushan, 2 Hanani, one of my kinsmen, came with certain men from Judah, and I asked them about the surviving Jews who had escaped exile, and about ...Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 4 Now what I mean is that as long as the inheritor (heir) is a child and under age, he does not differ from a slave, although he is the master of all the estate; 2 But he is under guardians and administrators or trustees until the date fixed by his father. 3 So we [Jewish Christians] also, when we were minors ...Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 1 The book of the ancestry (genealogy) of Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed), the son (descendant) of David, the son (descendant) of Abraham. 2 Abraham was the father of Isaac, Isaac the father of Jacob, Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers,Hebrews 13. Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 13 Let love for your fellow believers continue and be a fixed practice with you [never let it fail]. 2 Do not forget or neglect or refuse to extend hospitality to strangers [in the brotherhood—being friendly, cordial, and gracious, sharing the comforts of your home and doing your part generously ... Hebrews 10. Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 10 For since the Law has merely a rude outline (foreshadowing) of the good things to come—instead of fully expressing those things—it can never by offering the same sacrifices continually year after year make perfect those who approach [its altars]. 2 For if it were otherwise, would [these ...

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8 But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2 Early in the morning (at dawn), He came back into the temple [[ a]court], and the people came to Him in crowds. He sat down and was teaching them, 3 When the scribes and Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery. They made her stand in the middle of the court and put the case before Him.

4.8 star. 494 reviews. 5K+. Downloads. Everyone. info. $19.99 Buy. About this app. arrow_forward. Studying the Holy Bible shouldn’t be hard. Bible by Olive Tree equips you with easy-to-use...Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC) Bible Book List Font Size. Passage Resources Hebrew/Greek Your Content. Luke 22:42. Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. Update ... Amplified Study Bible, Imitation Leather, Brown - Slightly Imperfect. Retail: $69.99. Our Price: $40.79. Save: $29.20 (42%) Buy Now.18 For wickedness burns like a fire; it devours the briers and thorns, and it kindles in the thickets of the forest; they roll upward in a column of smoke. 19 Through the wrath of the Lord of hosts the land is darkened and burned up, and the people are like fuel for the fire; no man spares his brother. 20 They snatch in discord on the right ...Matthew 21. Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 21 And when they came near Jerusalem and had reached Bethphage at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples on ahead, 2 Saying to them, Go into the village that is opposite you, and at once you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her; untie [them] and bring [them] to Me.Galatians 5. Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 5 In [this] freedom Christ has made us free [and completely liberated us]; stand fast then, and do not be hampered and held ensnared and submit again to a yoke of slavery [which you have once put off]. 2 Notice, it is I, Paul, who tells you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no ...1 HE WHO dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand]. 2 I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I [confidently] trust! 3 For [then] He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and ...2 Blessed and favored by God are those who keep His testimonies, And who [consistently] seek Him and long for Him with all their heart. 3 They do no unrighteousness; They walk in His ways. 4 You have ordained Your precepts, That we should follow them with [careful] diligence. 5 Oh, that my ways may be established.Romans 8. Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 8 Therefore, [there is] now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life [which is] in Christ Jesus [the law of our new being] has ... Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 7 Casting the [ a]whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, [ b]once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you [ c]watchfully. Read full chapter. John 10. 1 I ASSURE you, most solemnly I tell you, he who does not enter by the door into the sheepfold, but climbs up some other way (elsewhere, from some other quarter) is a thief and a robber. 2 But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. 3 The watchman opens the door for this man, and the sheep listen to his voice and heed ...Are you tired of straining your ears to hear the audio on your computer? Do you wish there was a way to make the volume louder without investing in expensive audio equipment? Look ...

18 For wickedness burns like a fire; it devours the briers and thorns, and it kindles in the thickets of the forest; they roll upward in a column of smoke. 19 Through the wrath of the Lord of hosts the land is darkened and burned up, and the people are like fuel for the fire; no man spares his brother. 20 They snatch in discord on the right ... Psalm 16. Amplified Bible. The Lord, the Psalmist’s Portion in Life and Deliverer in Death. A [ a]Mikhtam of David [probably intended to record memorable thoughts]. 16 Keep and protect me, O God, for in You I have placed my trust and found refuge. 2. I said to the Lord, “You are my Lord; I have no good besides You.”. 3.Colossians 1. Amplified Bible. Thankfulness for Spiritual Attainments. 1 Paul, an apostle (special messenger, personally chosen representative) of Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed) by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, 2 To the [ a]saints and faithful [ b]believers in Christ [who are] at Colossae: Grace to you and peace [inner ...Instagram:https://instagram. air ticket from buffalo to new york Studying the Bible can be a rewarding and enlightening experience, but it can also be difficult to stay organized and on track. Fortunately, there are plenty of free workbooks avai... csgo tracker Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC) Bible Book List Font Size. Passage Resources Hebrew/Greek Your Content. Acts 6. Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. Update. 6 ... Amplified Holy Bible--bonded leather, burgundy (indexed) Retail: $64.99. Our Price: $43.99. Save: $21.00 (32%) Buy Now. Amplified Outreach Bible, Paperback. Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 7 Casting the [ a]whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, [ b]once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you [ c]watchfully. Read full chapter. free texas holdem on line When it comes to maximizing the performance of your CB radio, a linear amplifier can make all the difference. These devices are designed to boost the power output of your radio, al...Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. Psalm 91. 1 He who [ a]dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand]. 2 I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I [confidently] trust! mco to tokyo Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 2 Therefore you have no excuse or defense or justification, O man, whoever you are who judges and condemns another. For in posing as judge and passing sentence on another, you condemn yourself, because you who judge are habitually practicing the very same things [that you censure and denounce]. 2 [But] we …3 If then you have been raised with Christ [to a new life, thus sharing His resurrection from the dead], aim at and seek the [rich, eternal treasures] that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth. 3 For [as ... lax to mco flights Ephesians 6. 1 CHILDREN, OBEY your parents in the Lord [as His representatives], for this is just and right. 2 Honor (esteem and value as precious) your father and your mother–this is the first commandment with a promise– [Exod. 20:12.] 3 That all may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth.Hebrew/Greek. Your Content. Hebrews 9:27. Amplified Bible. 27 And just as it is appointed and destined for all men to die once and after this [comes certain] judgment, Read full chapter. Hebrews 9:27 in all English translations. Hebrews 8. Hebrews 10. upc locator 4.8 star. 494 reviews. 5K+. Downloads. Everyone. info. $19.99 Buy. About this app. arrow_forward. Studying the Holy Bible shouldn’t be hard. Bible by Olive Tree equips you with easy-to-use...Feb 9, 2022 ... Check out My 3 Books: 21 Day Fasting, Prayer, and Gratitude Journal affiliate link: 60 Day Bible Reading, Prayer, ... cnn go Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC) 2 reviews. $24.95. This is a digital Bible for theWord Bible Software. The first complete Bible produced by The Lockman Foundation …Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 13 For no temptation (no trial regarded as enticing to sin), [no matter how it comes or where it leads] has overtaken you and laid hold on you that is not common to man [that is, no temptation or trial has come to you that is beyond human resistance and that is not [ a]adjusted and [ b]adapted and belonging to ... Amplified Holy Bible, Large Print, Hardcover: Captures the Full Meaning Behind the Original Greek and Hebrew. by Zondervan. 2,564. Hardcover. $2543. List: $39.99. FREE delivery Mon, Apr 22 on $35 of items shipped by Amazon. Or fastest delivery Thu, Apr 18. More Buying Choices. seo optimer Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 7 Casting the [ a]whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, [ b]once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you [ c]watchfully. Read full chapter. The Bible offers a wealth of wisdom and truth for all areas of life. You can find Bible passages that speak to many circumstances, but it’s not always easy to find the right script... sleep relax Colossians 1. Amplified Bible. Thankfulness for Spiritual Attainments. 1 Paul, an apostle (special messenger, personally chosen representative) of Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed) by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, 2 To the [ a]saints and faithful [ b]believers in Christ [who are] at Colossae: Grace to you and peace [inner ... galaxy screenshot The KCM Amplified Bible, Classic Edition gives you powerful tools to discover what God’s Word says to you. Features include: The use of a unique system of punctuation, italics, …Ephesians 4. 2 Living as becomes you] with complete lowliness of mind (humility) and meekness (unselfishness, gentleness, mildness), with patience, bearing with one another and making allowances because you love one another. 3 Be eager and strive earnestly to guard and keep the harmony and oneness of [and produced by] the Spirit in the binding ... cathey pacific 5 A sower went out to sow seed; and as he sowed, some fell along the traveled path and was trodden underfoot, and the birds of the air ate it up. 6 And some [seed] fell on the rock, and as soon as it sprouted, it withered away because it had no moisture. 7 And other [seed] fell in the midst of the thorns, and the thorns grew up with it and ...Galatians 3. Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. 3 O you poor and silly and thoughtless and unreflecting and senseless Galatians! Who has fascinated or bewitched or cast a spell over you, unto whom—right before your very eyes—Jesus Christ (the Messiah) was openly and graphically set forth and portrayed as crucified? 2 Let me ask you this one ...